fall 2019 | issue 45

issue 45 | fall 2019

in this issue…

Welcome to the 45th issue of fiveonfive!

We are amped for Champs! After a whirlwind of fantastic derby events, we are looking forward to the final games of 2019 and an opportunity to see how all the hard work, trust on the track, and wicked strategy shakes out in Montréal. Turn to page 32 for this year’s bracket and a gorgeous photo from the playoffs!

In this issue, Midge “Mayhem” Wilhelm and Swede Hurt offer their insight for tackling a wall and getting the most out of a practice space. Author of Pain relays some insight into Instagram for use as a derby league and also takes us into the world of derby fiction with a modern-day “whodunnit” on wheels!

Ruby Snap keeps us snacking and seasonally on-point with her recipe for pumpkin spice chia pudding, and Billy No Skates shares all the offerings of this year’s not-to-be-missed Derby Stance Coaching Summit from Rule 56.

Find out about the “You Can Play” initiative in our feature about LGBTQIA2S+ athletes from Hermione Danger and Buffy the Jammer Slayer and how representation matters in an article by Jude E Boom about body diversity in roller derby and the wider sporting world. Happy reading!

iOna Switchblade & Lezlie Nope
FoCo Roller Derby

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